
extrasolar planet

Jan 18, 2024 - 02:59
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Kepler-452b, the first approximately Earth-sized planet to be found in a Sun-like star’s habitable zone—the orbital region where an Earth-like planet could possess liquid water on its surface and thus possibly support life. Kepler-452b was discovered in 2015, in data that the Kepler satellite had gathered—before the first phase of its mission ended in 2013, when a reaction wheel, which kept Kepler pointed at the same spot in the sky for four years, failed. The star that Kepler-452b orbits has the same spectral type (G2) as the Sun and is about 1,400 light-years from Earth. The planet’s radius is 1.63 times that of Earth. If the planet has a rocky composition, its mass would be about 5 times that of Earth. However, it is equally likely that the planet’s composition is like that of Neptune, a small rocky core surrounded by a thick mantle of ice and a gaseous envelope, and therefore its mass may be less than that. Kepler-452b’s orbital period is 384.8 days, and it orbits at a distance of 156.5 million km (97.2 million miles). Since that distance is about the same as the distance between Earth and the Sun and the star is about 20 percent brighter than the Sun, Kepler-452b receives just 10 percent more solar energy than Earth. The star is 6 billion years old, 1.5 billion years older than the Sun, and is in the stage of its life when its radius and luminosity begin to increase, suggesting that Kepler-452b may have undergone or will soon undergo a runaway greenhouse effect in which its surface water will boil away, similar to what happened on Venus.

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