Measuring The Earth, Classical and Arabic

May 24, 2024 - 03:10
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In addition to the attempts of Eratosthenes of Cyrene (c. 276–c. 194 bc) to measure the Earth, two other early attempts had a lasting historical impact, since they provided values that Christopher Columbus (1451–1506) exploited in selling his project to reach Asia by traveling west from Europe. One was devised by the Greek philosopher Poseidonius (c. 135–c. 51 bc), the teacher of the great Roman statesman

Marcus Tullius Cicero (106–43 bc). According to Poseidonius, when the star Canopus sets at Rhodes, it appears to be 7.5° above the horizon at Alexandria. (In fact, it is a little over 5°.) The situation appears in the figure, where the dark lines represent the horizons at Rhodes (R) and Alexandria (A). Because of the right angles at R and A and the parallel lines of sight to Canopus, ∠RCA equals the angular height of Canopus at Alexandria (the errant 7.5°). To obtain the radius r = CR = CA, Poseidonius needed the length of the arc RA. It could not be paced out, as travelers from Aswan to Alexandria had done for Eratosthenes’ result, because the journey lay over water. Poseidonius could only guess the distance, and his calculation for the size of the Earth was less than three-quarters of what Eratosthenes had found.

The second method, practiced by medieval Arabs, required a free-standing mountain of known height AB (see the figure). The observer measured ∠ABH between the vertical BA and the line to the horizon BH. Since ∠BHC is a right angle, the Earth’s radius r = CH = AC is given by solution of the simple trigonometric equation sin(∠ABH) = r/(r + AB). The Arab value for the Earth’s circumference agreed with the value calculated by Poseidonius—or so Columbus argued, ignoring or forgetting that the Arabs expressed their results in Arab miles, which were longer than the Roman miles with which Poseidonius worked. By claiming that the “best” measurements agreed that the real Earth was three-fourths the size of Eratosthenes’ Earth, Columbus reassured his backers that his small wooden ships could survive the journey—he put it at 30 days—to “Cipangu” (Japan).

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