Santiago Del Estero

province, Argentina

Oct 11, 2023 - 00:16
 0  15

Santiago del Estero, provincia (province), north-central Argentina. It is located mostly at the southwestern margins of the vast Gran Chaco lowland plains, but it also extends onto the piedmont of the Andes Mountains in the far west. The city of Santiago del Estero, on the west-central border, is the provincial capital.

The province has a dry, subtropical climate with seasonal (summer) rains. Thorn scrubs and clusters of low quebracho trees typify the Gran Chaco area, whereas saline marshes and lakes dominate the south and southwest. The (perennial) Dulce and (seasonal) Salado rivers discharge from outliers of the Andes onto the plains of Santiago del Estero, diagonally draining the province from the northwest to the southeast.

The first Spanish settlement in Argentina was made in Santiago del Estero in 1553 by Francisco de Aguirre, a conquistador from Chile who founded encomiendas (royal land grants worked by Indians). The province was created in 1820 after separation from Tucumán province. Its name derives from the former large seasonal bodies of water (esteros) bordering the Dulce River in the vicinity of Santiago del Estero city.

The seasonal nature of the region’s rainfall and poor drainage makes consistently profitable agriculture possible only through irrigation from the Dulce and Salado rivers. The main irrigated crops are cotton, alfalfa, grapes, squash, sweet potatoes, and assorted melons. Cattle, mules, and goats are raised in both irrigated and nonirrigated areas; and the species of quebracho tree of this part of the Gran Chaco is felled mostly for firewood, not tannin. The province is crossed by several railways, which connect it with many parts of Argentina and with Bolivia and Chile. The completion of a major irrigation project on the upper Dulce (in about 1950) led to a steady population decline in most of southeastern Santiago del Estero, which now receives less seasonal runoff. Area 52,645 square miles (136,351 square km). Pop. (2001) 804,457; (2010) 874,006.

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