

Jan 6, 2024 - 03:05
 0  16

Chiron, icy small body orbiting the Sun in the outer solar system among the giant planets. Once thought to be the most distant known asteroid, Chiron is now believed to have the composition of a comet nucleus—i.e., a mixture of water ice, other frozen gases, organic material, and silicate dust.

Chiron was discovered in 1977 by the American astronomer Charles Kowal and classified as an asteroid with the number 2060. It is about 200 km (125 miles) in diameter and travels in an unstable, eccentric orbit that crosses that of Saturn and passes just inside that of Uranus with a period of 50.45 years. In 1989 American astronomers Karen Meech and Michael Belton detected a fuzzy luminous cloud around Chiron. Such a cloud, termed a coma, is a distinguishing feature of comets and consists of gases and entrained dust escaping from the cometary nucleus when sunlight causes its ices to sublimate. Given Chiron’s large distance from the Sun, the sublimating ices are likely far more volatile substances than water ice, such as carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. On the basis of that discovery, Chiron was reclassified as a comet. Additional study of historical observations showed that Chiron was active in the past, including at the time of its discovery in 1977. Subsequently, additional asteroid-size icy bodies in orbits that cross those of the outer planets were discovered and given the class name Centaur objects. Several of them have also displayed sporadic cometlike activity.

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