beryl, mineral composed of beryllium aluminum silicate, Be3Al2(SiO3)6, a commercial source of beryllium. It has long been of interest because several varieties are valued as gemstones. These are aquamarine (pale blue-green); emerald (deep green); heliodor (golden yellow); and morganite (pink). Beryl is a minor constituent of many granitic rocks and associated pegmatite dikes, in gneisses, and in mica schists. The gem varieties (other than emerald) commonly are found in cavities in pegmatites. Emeralds occur in mica schist and in bituminous limestone. Common beryl of nongem quality is present in many pegmatites, usually disseminated in small crystals. Large crystals, however, have been found: a 200-ton crystal was found in Brazil; a crystal 5.8 metres (19 feet) long and 1.5 metres (5 feet) in diameter was discovered in the Black Hills, South Dakota, U.S.; and a radiating group of large crystals, the largest 16,300 kg (about 18 tons) with a length of 5 metres and a diameter of 1 metre, was discovered in Albany, Maine, U.S. The largest crystal of any type in the world is a beryl from Malakialina, Madagascar, and is 18 metres long and 3.5 metres in diameter with a mass of 380,000 kg (about 400 tons). Beryl is not common in detrital deposits. For detailed physical properties, see silicate mineral (table); see also aquamarine; emerald; morganite.
Before 1925 beryl was used only as a gemstone. Thereafter, many important uses were found for beryllium, and common beryl has been widely sought as the ore of this rare element. No large deposits have been found, and much of the production is a by-product in the mining of feldspar and mica. Although the amount of beryl mined fluctuates from year to year, it has increased rather steadily since 1930. Brazil became the major producer; others are Zimbabwe, South Africa, Namibia, and the United States.
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