Fire Blight

Symptoms, & Treatment

Aug 9, 2024 - 03:19
 0  12

fire blight

fire blight, plant disease, caused by the bacterium Erwinia amylovora, that can give infected plants a scorched appearance. Fire blight largely affects members of the rose family (Rosaceae). It has destroyed pear and apple orchards in much of North America, in parts of Europe, and in New Zealand and Japan. Many other economically important agricultural and ornamental plants can also be affected, including almond, apricot, cherry, cotoneaster, crabapple, flowering quince, hawthorn, loquat, medlar, mountain ash, plum, quince, raspberry, rose, serviceberry, and spirea.

Symptoms of fire blight include a sudden brown to black withering and dying of blossoms, fruit spurs, leaves, twigs, and branches. Very susceptible plants appear as if scorched by fire and may die. Cankers—slightly sunken, encircling, dark brown to purplish black lesions with a sharp, often cracked margin—form on twigs, branches, and trunk, causing terminal dieback. Fruits are water-soaked, later turning brown or black and shrivelled. In warm moist spring weather, droplets of bacterial ooze appear on the surface of “holdover” cankers. The oozing bacteria are carried by insects, wind, and rain to infect new plants and tissues. The bacteria spread intercellularly and up to 1.2 metres (4 feet) through vascular tissue in the wood, during late spring and early summer, darkening and killing the tissue. A small percentage of the bacteria overwinter at the margins of branch and trunk cankers, ready to repeat the disease cycle starting the following spring about blossoming time.

Fire blight is difficult to control, especially in warm moist weather conditions. Infected wood should be removed in late summer, fall, or winter, when the bacteria are not actively spreading. Copper blossom sprays can be applied when plants first begin to flower but are of limited effectiveness and can damage fruits. Streptomycin sprays have been used to prevent new infections but have also contributed to antibiotic-resistant outbreaks in some areas. Resistant varieties of several susceptible plants have been developed.

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