Card Game

Oct 10, 2023 - 09:39
 0  20

card game, game played for pleasure or gambling (or both) with one or more decks of playing cards. Games using playing cards exploit the fact that cards are individually identifiable from one side only, so that each player knows only the cards he holds and not those held by anyone else.

For this reason card games are often characterized as games of chance or “imperfect information”—as distinct from games of strategy or “perfect information,” where the current position is fully visible to all players throughout the game. This characterization is inadequate, however. For example, in backgammon, a dice game, the starting position is predetermined and equal, and all subsequent moves are fully known to both players. What constitutes the imperfection of its information is the unpredictability of future dice rolls. Dice games are therefore games of future imperfect information because whatever strategic skill they entail must be based on an assessment of future events, chiefly through the mathematics of probability theory. In contrast, the chance element of card games is a result of shuffling the cards before play in order to randomize their initial distribution. Thereafter, skillful play largely consists of determining the distribution of cards through observation, which, depending on the game, may include observation of players’ bids, discards, and trick play. Card games are therefore games of “past imperfect information” or, more significantly, increasing information. This is not to assert that all card games are intellectual or even demand much skill. There are even card games where all the cards are dealt faceup, especially varieties of solitaire, which makes them games of perfect information.

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