
Definition & Examples

Oct 18, 2023 - 02:59
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geoid, model of the figure of Earth—i.e., of the planet’s size and shape—that coincides with mean sea level over the oceans and continues in continental areas as an imaginary sea-level surface defined by spirit level. It serves as a reference surface that can be used to measure precise elevations of Earth’s surface features. The scientific discipline concerned with the precise figure of Earth and its determination and significance is known as geodesy.

Understand the concept of sea level and how it is determined by applying variations in Earth's gravitational fieldUnderstand the concept of sea level and how it is determined by applying variations in Earth's gravitational fieldSee all videos for this article

The geoid is everywhere perpendicular to the pull of gravity and approximates the shape of a regular oblate spheroid (i.e., a flattened sphere). It is irregular, however, because of local buried-mass concentrations (departures from lateral homogeneity at depth) and because of differences in elevation between continents and seafloors. Mathematically speaking, the geoid is an equipotential surface; that is, it is characterized by the fact that over its entire extent the potential function is constant. This potential function describes the combined effects of the gravitational attraction of Earth’s mass and the centrifugal repulsion caused by the rotation of Earth about its axis.

Because of the irregular mass distributions in Earth and the resultant gravity anomalies, the geoid is not a simple mathematical surface. It consequently is not a suitable reference surface for a geometric figure of Earth. As reference figures of Earth, but not for its topography, simple geometric forms are used that approximate the geoid. For many purposes an adequate geometric representation of Earth is a sphere, for which only the radius of the sphere must be stated. When a more accurate reference figure is required, an ellipsoid of revolution is used as a representation of Earth’s shape and size. It is a surface generated by rotating an ellipse 360° about its minor axis. An ellipsoid that is used in geodetic calculations to represent Earth is called a reference ellipsoid. This ellipsoid of revolution is the shape most often used to represent a simple geometric reference surface.

An ellipsoid of revolution is specified by two parameters: a semimajor axis (equatorial radius for Earth) and a semiminor axis (polar radius), or the flattening. Flattening (f) is defined as the difference in magnitude between the semimajor axis (a) and the semiminor axis (b) divided by the semimajor axis, or f = (ab)/a. For Earth the semimajor axis and semiminor axis differ by about 21 kilometres (13 miles), and the flattening is about one part in 300. The departures of the geoid from the best fitting ellipsoid of revolution are about ±100 metres (330 feet); the difference between the two semiaxes of the equatorial ellipse in the case of a triaxial ellipsoid fitting Earth is only about 80 metres.

This article reviews the development of simple geometric representations of Earth, beginning with the ancient Greeks. It then discusses the concept of the geoid and the ways in which tracking of artificial satellites and satellite mapping of the ocean surface have aided in the geodetic assessment of Earth’s shape and gravity field. It concludes by showing how this work has resulted in more refined values for Earth’s radius, mass, and density.

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