

Oct 7, 2023 - 17:22
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Evening grosbeak (Coccothraustes vespertinus).

grosbeak, any of several conical-billed birds belonging to the families Cardinalidae and Fringillidae. Their name is derived from the French gros bec, or “thick beak,” which is adapted to cracking seeds with ease.

evening grosbeakevening grosbeak

In the Fringillidae family, the evening grosbeak (Coccothraustes vespertinus) is among the best-known in North America. Noisy flocks of these chunky big-billed yellow, black, brown, and white finches descend upon bird feeders in winter for sunflower seeds. Although the evening grosbeak was originally a western bird, feeders have helped it expand its breeding range all the way to New England and the Maritime Provinces.

Pine grosbeak (Pinicola enucleator).

pine grosbeakpine grosbeak

The pine grosbeak (Pinicola enucleator) of northern Eurasia and North America forages in small flocks and sometimes flies great distances in winter in search of its natural food (in Europe, mainly mountain ash berries). Adult males are a bright reddish colour, and females are mostly brown.

rose-breasted grosbeakrose-breasted grosbeak

black-headed grosbeakblack-headed grosbeak

Within the family Cardinalidae, two species of grosbeak nest in North America: the rose-breasted grosbeak (Pheucticus ludovicianus) and the black-headed grosbeak (P. melanocephalus), which range east and west of the Rockies, respectively. Some authorities believe the two forms represent a single species, even though the coloration of the males’ underparts differs: red and white in the rose-breasted and brownish yellow in the black-headed grosbeak.

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