

Oct 21, 2024 - 03:15
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Coke's hartebeest, or kongoni (Alcelaphus buselaphus cokei).

hartebeest, (Alcelaphus buselaphus), large African antelope (family Bovidae) with an elongated head, unusual bracket-shaped horns, and high forequarters sloping to lower hindquarters—a trait of the tribe Alcelaphini, which also includes wildebeests, the topi, and the blesbok. DNA studies indicate that there are about 10 subspecies of Alcelaphus buselaphus, including some that were formerly recognized as separate species of Alcelaphus.

Red hartebeest (Alcelaphus buselaphus caama).

Hartebeest are found in herds on open plains and scrublands of sub-Saharan Africa. Once the widest-ranging of African antelopes, they also once lived in North Africa. One well-known variety, Coke’s hartebeest, or the kongoni (A. buselaphus cokei), of East Africa, is the plainest and smallest subspecies, measuring 117 cm (46 inches) high and weighing 142 kg (312 pounds). This subspecies is lion-coloured, with no conspicuous markings except a white rump patch; it has a moderately elongated head and comparatively uncomplicated horns. The red hartebeest (A. buselaphus caama) of southwest Africa is the most colourful, with extensive black markings setting off a white belly and rump; it has a more elongated head and high horns that curve in a complex pattern and are joined at the base. The largest hartebeest is the western hartebeest (A. buselaphus tora), which weighs 228 kg (502 pounds) and stands 143 cm (56 inches) tall. Females are 12 percent smaller than males, with smaller but similarly shaped horns.

Lichtenstein’s hartebeest (A. buselaphus lichtensteinii), which inhabits the miombo woodland zone of eastern and southern Africa, has also been treated as a separate species (Alcelaphus lichtensteinii). The preferred habitat of the hartebeest is acacia savanna, though Lichtenstein’s hartebeest lives on the grassland-woodland ecotone in the broad-leaved deciduous miombo woodland zone. The hartebeest’s long, narrow muzzle enables it to be a highly selective grazer in medium to tall grass, thereby gaining an advantage during the dry season when less-selective grazers (e.g., wildebeest and topi) cannot feed efficiently on the nutritious leaves and shoots that make up a small part of the unpalatable old growth.

Hartebeests are sociable, and adult males are territorial. Small herds of 6–25 females and young are the rule. In preferred habitat at relatively high density, a herd’s home range covers 370–550 hectares (910–1,360 acres) and may overlap as many as 20–30 territories, averaging 31 hectares (77 acres). The best territories include pastures preferred by females in different seasons, from short upland grass during the rains to tall grass on clay soils that stay green through part of the dry season. In most regions, males defend territories the year round, as females breed within weeks of calving; the red hartebeest, the southernmost variety, breeds annually, calving at the end of the dry season after an eight-month gestation. Mothers may be followed by up to three offspring, including males up to two and a half years old. Territorial bulls tolerate these young males because their mothers defend them and they perform an elaborate submissive display. However, the young males eventually leave, join a bachelor herd, and then compete for a territory and mating opportunities when mature at four years. Females first calve at three years.

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