
Abbott, Lyman

American minister

Burnham, Edward Levy-Lawson, 1st Baron

British newspaper editor and proprietor

Bennett, James Gordon

American editor [1795-1872]

Wallace, DeWitt

American publisher and philanthropist

Baquet, Dean

Biography, New York Times, & Facts

Liouville, Joseph

French mathematician

Ritschl, F. W.

German scholar

Vidal De La Blache, Paul

French geographer

Buttrose, Ita

Biography & Facts

Abell, A. S.

American journalist

Reuter, Paul Julius, Freiherr Von

German journalist

Bass, Charlotta Spears

American editor and activist

Grimm, Friedrich Melchior, Baron Von

German literary critic

Gordon, Laura De Force

American lawyer, editor, and reformer

Jeffrey, Francis Jeffrey, Lord

Scottish critic and judge

Grady, Henry Woodfin

American journalist