Novels & Short Stories

Conroy, Jack

American author

Gifford, William

British editor and scholar

Carle, Eric

Biography, Books, Museum, & Facts

Child, Lydia Maria

Books, Biography & Facts

Wilder, Laura Ingalls

Biography, Books, & Facts

Avison, Margaret

Canadian poet

Schickele, René

German writer

Alden, Isabella Macdonald

American author

Mu Dan

Chinese poet and translator

Berry, Wendell

Biography, Books, & Facts

Tieck, Ludwig

German writer

Bryusov, Valery Yakovlevich

Russian author

Krige, Uys

Facts, Biography, Books, & Poems

Lindsay, Norman

Australian artist and author

Soromenho, Fernando Monteiro De Castro

Angolan novelist

Hale, Sarah Josepha

American author