North Maluku

province, Indonesia

Oct 6, 2023 - 20:43
 0  12

North Maluku, Indonesian Maluku Utara, propinsi (or provinsi; province) consisting of the northern portion of the Moluccas island group in eastern Indonesia. North Maluku consists of nearly 400 islands, fewer than 70 of which are populated. The largest island is Halmahera, spanning an area of 6,865 square miles (17,780 square km). Other major islands are Obi, Morotai, Bacan, and the main islands of the Sula archipelago (Taliabu, Mangole, and Sulabesi). Ternate and Tidore are small but significant.

The province is bounded by the Pacific Ocean to the north; the Halmahera Sea to the east, across which lies the province of West Papua; the Ceram Sea to the south, across which lies the province of Maluku; and the Molucca Sea to the west, across which lie portions of the provinces of North Sulawesi (Sulawesi Utara) and Central Sulawesi (Sulawesi Tengah). The capital is officially Sofifi, in central Halmahera; however, since the formation of the province at the end of the 20th century, North Maluku has been administered from Ternate, on the island of the same name in west-central North Maluku, while Sofifi develops facilities and infrastructure sufficient to support government operations. Area 12,349 square miles (31,983 square km). Pop. (2000) 815,101; (2010) 1,038,087.

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