Standard Error Of Measurement


Feb 27, 2024 - 03:02
 0  19

standard error of measurement (SEM), the standard deviation of error of measurement in a test or experiment. It is closely associated with the error variance, which indicates the amount of variability in a test administered to a group that is caused by measurement error. The standard error of measurement is used to determine the effect of measurement error on individual results in a test and is a common tool in psychoanalytical research and standardized academic testing.

The standard error of measurement is a function of both the standard deviation of observed scores and the reliability of the test. When the test is perfectly reliable, the standard error of measurement equals 0. When the test is completely unreliable, the standard error of measurement is at its maximum, equal to the standard deviation of the observed scores. An additional advantage of the standard error of measurement is that it is in the original unit of measurement. With the exception of extreme distributions, the standard error of measurement is viewed as a fixed characteristic of a particular test or measure.

The standard error of measurement serves in a complementary role to the reliability coefficient. Reliability can be understood as the degree to which a test is consistent, repeatable, and dependable. The reliability coefficient ranges from 0 to 1: When a test is perfectly reliable, all observed score variance is caused by true score variance, whereas when a test is completely unreliable, all observed score variance is a result of error. Although the reliability coefficient provides important information about the amount of error in a test measured in a group or population, it does not inform on the error present in an individual test score.

The Pearson product-moment coefficient measure of reliability is commonly used for the calculation of the standard error of measurement, and the intraclass correlation coefficient is also appropriate to use in many situations. Additionally, the standard error of measurement can be calculated from the square root of the mean square error term in a repeated-measures analysis of variance (ANOVA). Given that the overall variance of measurement errors is a weighted average of the values that hold at different levels of the true scores, the variance found at a particular level is called the conditional error variance. The square root of the conditional error variance is the conditional standard error of measurement, which can be estimated with different procedures.

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