Elements, & Facts
metalloid, in chemistry, an imprecise term used to describe a chemical element that forms a simple substance having properties intermediate between those of a typical metal and a typical nonmetal. The term is normally applied to a group of between six and nine elements (boron, silicon, germanium, arsenic, antimony, tellurium, and possibly bismuth, polonium, astatine) found near the center of the P-block or main block of the periodic table. There is no single property which can be used to unambiguously identify an element as a metalloid. Since most metalloids tend to display semiconducting properties in at least one of their allomorphic modifications, the class might reasonably be extended to also include gray silicon (which, unlike white silicon, is a semiconductor rather than a metal) and the graphite form of carbon (which, unlike the diamond form, is a semimetal rather than an insulator). Chemically, metalloids correspond to atoms having intermediate electronegativities and an ability to display a range of both positive and negative oxidation states in their compounds.
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