Scanning Tunneling Microscope


Oct 6, 2023 - 19:18
 0  24

scanning tunneling microscope (STM), type of microscope whose principle of operation is based on the quantum mechanical phenomenon known as tunneling, in which the wavelike properties of electrons permit them to “tunnel” beyond the surface of a solid into regions of space that are forbidden to them under the rules of classical physics. The probability of finding such tunneling electrons decreases exponentially as the distance from the surface increases. The STM makes use of this extreme sensitivity to distance. The sharp tip of a tungsten needle is positioned a few angstroms from the sample surface. A small voltage is applied between the probe tip and the surface, causing electrons to tunnel across the gap. As the probe is scanned over the surface, it registers variations in the tunneling current, and this information can be processed to provide a topographical image of the surface.

The STM appeared in 1981, when Swiss physicists Gerd Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer set out to build a tool for studying the local conductivity of surfaces. Binnig and Rohrer chose the surface of gold for their first image. When the image was displayed on the screen of a television monitor, they saw rows of precisely spaced atoms and observed broad terraces separated by steps one atom in height. Binnig and Rohrer had discovered in the STM a simple method for creating a direct image of the atomic structure of surfaces. Their discovery opened a new era for surface science, and their impressive achievement was recognized with the award of the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1986.

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