

Oct 4, 2023 - 02:44
 0  16

Bari, people living near Juba in South Sudan. They speak an Eastern Sudanic language of the Nilo-Saharan language family. They live in small villages scattered across the hot, dry, flat countryside in the Nile valley. Their staple crop is millet, and they also keep cattle. Their culture and language are shared by many other small populations in the region, the most important of these being the Kakwa, Mondari (Mandari, Mundari), Kuku, Fajulu (Pöjulu), Nyangbara, and Nyepu (Nyepo).

Bari society is divided into freemen and serfs. Blacksmiths, professional hunters, and similar groups form inferior castes. Most of the 150 patrilineal clans are composed of freemen. Both men and women undergo initiation by the extraction of the lower incisors and by scarring. Men then enter age sets that have distinctive names and ornaments. The people have many “big men” rather than a single chief. These include ritual functionaries, the rainmakers, who are few in number but extremely powerful, and the “fathers of the earth,” who are responsible for magic to ensure successful cultivation, hunting, and warfare. Both these offices are hereditary. The Bari believe in a god who has two aspects: a benevolent god who dwells in the sky and produces rain and a malevolent god who lives in the earth and is associated with cultivation. Sacrifices are made to the spirits of the dead.

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