

Oct 10, 2023 - 05:43
 0  6

Beaver, self-name Dane-zaa, Dane-zaa also spelled Dunneza, a small Athabaskan-speaking North American First Nations (Indian) band living in the mountainous riverine areas of northwestern Alberta and northeastern British Columbia, Canada. In the early 18th century they were driven westward into that area by the expanding Cree, who, armed with guns, were exploiting the European fur trade. The name Beaver derives from the Indian name for their main site, Tsades, or River of Beavers, now called the Peace River.

Traditionally, the Beaver were scattered in many independent nomadic bands, each with its own hunting territory. They hunted moose, caribou, bears, and bison. They were led by shamans called “dreamers.” The Beaver lived in skin-covered tepees in winter and brush-covered tepees or lean-tos in summer, and they traveled mainly by canoe. At least, that is how they lived when first encountered by Europeans, after they had adopted many cultural elements of the Cree. At the end of the 20th century, researchers determined that the Beaver had made use of a different type of dwelling prior to their contact with the Cree. Earlier they had lived in shelters divided into two rooms—one for storage and the other for sleeping—by a passageway having an entrance or exit at either end.

In the 21st century they occupied four reservations, including the region of Horse Lake near Hythe, Alta.; on the upper Halfway River northwest of Fort St. John, B.C.; on the Blueberry River north of Fort St. John; and on the Doig River just east of the Halfway River reserve. As signers of Treaty 8 (1899), the Beaver have the right to hunt, trap, and fish throughout their territory. Beaver descendants numbered more than 750 in the early 21st century.

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