Religious Personages & Scholars

Peacocke, Arthur

British biochemist and theologian


Japanese artist

Stephen Of Perm, Saint

Russian Orthodox missionary

Emser, Hieronymus

German theologian

López De Segura, Ruy

Spanish chess player

Rufinus, Tyrannius

Roman priest and writer

Lefèvre D’Étaples, Jacques

French humanist and theologian

Berthold Der Schwarze

German monk and alchemist

Earle, John

British clergyman and author

Oresme, Nicholas

French bishop, scholar, and economist

Rhodes, Alexandre De

French missionary

Cydones, Prochorus

Byzantine theologian

Polkinghorne, John

English physicist and priest

Quinet, Edgar

French historian and poet

Weymouth, Richard Francis

British philologist and biblical scholar

Bradwardine, Thomas

archbishop of Canterbury