
Process, Types, Agents Of, & Facts

Oct 9, 2023 - 02:50
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bumblebee on honeysuckle

pollination, transfer of pollen grains from the stamens, the flower parts that produce them, to the ovule-bearing organs or to the ovules (seed precursors) themselves. In plants such as conifers and cycads, in which the ovules are exposed, the pollen is simply caught in a drop of fluid secreted by the ovule. In flowering plants, however, the ovules are contained within a hollow organ called the pistil, and the pollen is deposited on the pistil’s receptive surface, the stigma. There the pollen germinates and gives rise to a pollen tube, which grows down through the pistil toward one of the ovules in its base. In an act of double fertilization, one of the two sperm cells within the pollen tube fuses with the egg cell of the ovule, making possible the development of an embryo, and the other cell combines with the two subsidiary sexual nuclei of the ovule, which initiates formation of a reserve food tissue, the endosperm. The growing ovule then transforms itself into a seed.

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As a prerequisite for fertilization, pollination is essential to the production of fruit and seed crops and plays an important part in programs designed to improve plants by breeding. Furthermore, studies of pollination are invaluable for understanding the evolution of flowering plants and their distribution in the world today. As sedentary organisms, plants usually must enlist the services of external agents for pollen transport. In flowering plants, these are (roughly in order of diminishing importance) insects, wind, birds, mammals, and water.

Uncover how flowers attract their pollinatorsUncover how flowers attract their pollinatorsSee all videos for this article

Pollination by insects probably occurred in primitive seed plants, reliance on other means being a relatively recent evolutionary development. Reasonable evidence indicates that flowering plants first appeared in tropical rain forests during the Mesozoic Era (about 65 million to 225 million years ago). The most prevalent insect forms of the period were primitive beetles; no bees and butterflies were present. Some Mesozoic beetles, already adapted to a diet of spores from primitive plants, apparently became pollen eaters, capable of effecting chance pollination with grains accidentally spared. The visits of such beetles to primitive flowering plants may have been encouraged by insect attractants, such as odours of carrion, dung, or fruit, or by sex attractants. In addition, visits of the insects to the plants could be made to last longer and thus potentially be more valuable to the plant as far as fertilization was concerned, if the flower had a functional, traplike structure. Nowadays, such flowers are found predominantly, although not exclusively, in tropical families regarded as ancient—e.g., the water lily (Nymphaeaceae) and the arum lily (Araceae) families. At the same time, other plants apparently began to exploit the fact that primitive gall-forming insects visited the flowers to deposit eggs. In the ancient genus Ficus (figs and banyan trees), pollination still depends on gall wasps. In general, Mesozoic flowering plants could not fully rely on their pollinators, whose presence also depended on the existence of a complete, well-functioning ecological web with dung, cadavers, and food plants always available. More advanced flowers escaped from such dependence on chance by no longer relying on deceit, trapping, and tasty pollen alone; nectar became increasingly important as a reward for the pollinators. Essentially a concentrated, aqueous sugar solution, nectar existed in certain ancestors of the flowering plants. In bracken fern even nowadays, nectar glands (nectaries) are found at the base of young leaves. In the course of evolutionary change, certain nectaries were incorporated into the modern flower (floral nectaries), although extrafloral nectaries also persist. Flower colours thus seem to have been introduced as “advertisements” of the presence of nectar, and more specific nectar guides (such as patterns of dots or lines, contrasting colour patches, or special odour patterns) were introduced near the entrance to the flower, pointing the way to the nectar hidden within. At the same time, in a complex pattern of parallel evolution, groups of insects appeared with sucking mouthparts capable of feeding on nectar. In extreme cases, there arose a complete mutual dependence. For example, a Madagascar orchid, Angraecum sesquipedale, with a nectar receptacle 20 to 35 cm (8 to 14 inches) long, depends for its pollination exclusively on the local race of a hawkmoth, Xanthopan morganii, which has a proboscis of 22.5 cm (9 inches). Interestingly enough, the existence of the hawkmoth was predicted by Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace, codiscoverers of evolution, about 40 years before its actual discovery.

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