Tag: Physicians

Ibn Tibbon, Samuel Ben Judah

Jewish physician and translator

Duve, Christian René De

Belgian biochemist

Hounsfield, Sir Godfrey Newbold

British engineer

MacKinnon, Roderick

American doctor

Henderson, Richard

Biography, Facts, & Nobel Prize

Bīrūnī, Al-

Persian scholar and scientist

Adams, Roger

American chemist

Dumas, Jean-Baptiste-André

French chemist

Theorell, Axel Hugo Teodor

Swedish biochemist

Sabin, Albert Bruce

American physician and microbiologist

Ramazzini, Bernardino

Biography & Facts

Reichstein, Tadeus

Swiss chemist

Dubochet, Jacques

Swiss biophysicist

Barnes, Albert C.

Biography, Art Collection, & Facts

Bondar, Roberta

Biography & Facts

Rothman, James E.

American biochemist and cell biologist