Tag: Physicians

Sibbald, Sir Robert

Scottish physician and antiquarian

Chamberlen, Hugh, The Elder

British midwife

Waksman, Selman Abraham

American biochemist

Wald, George

American biochemist

Kellogg, John Harvey

Biography & Breakfast Cereal

Betzig, Eric

Biography, Nobel Prize, & Facts

Nirenberg, Marshall Warren

American biochemist

Haigneré, Claudie

Biography & Facts

Carrel, Alexis

French surgeon, sociologist, and biologist

Helmholtz, Hermann Von

German scientist and philosopher

Seibert, Florence

American scientist

Frerichs, Friedrich Theodor Von

German pathologist

Richards, Dickinson Woodruff

American physiologist

Edelman, Gerald Maurice

Biography, Nobel Prize, & Facts

Cormack, Allan MacLeod

American physicist

Fracastoro, Girolamo

Italian physician