Tag: Presidents & Heads of States

Grímsson, Ólafur Ragnar

Biography & Facts

Botha, P. W.

Biography & Facts

Roosevelt, Theodore

Biography, Facts, Presidency, National Parks, & Accomplishments

Mandela, Nelson

Biography, Life, Education, Apartheid, Death, & Facts

Masaryk, Tomáš

president of Czechoslovakia

Weizmann, Chaim

Israeli president and scientist

Kwaśniewski, Aleksander

Biography, Presidency, & Facts

Tiso, Jozef

Slovak priest and statesman

Milošević, Slobodan

Biography, Facts, & Trial

Buthelezi, Mangosuthu G.

South African politician

Prodi, Romano

Biography & Facts

Chamorro, Violeta Barrios De

Biography & Facts

Ben-Zvi, Itzhak

president of Israel