
Flettner, Anton

German inventor

De Forest, Lee

American inventor

Hancock, Thomas

British inventor

Tainter, Charles Sumner

American inventor

Gatling, Richard Jordan

American inventor

Lewis, Isaac Newton

United States Army officer and inventor

Congreve, Sir William, 2nd Baronet

British inventor

Norton, Edwin

American inventor and manufacturer

Boulsover, Thomas

English inventor

Babbitt, Isaac

American inventor

Knight, Margaret E.

American inventor

McCormick, Cyrus

Biography, Invention, Reaper, & Facts

Dahlgren, John Adolphus Bernard

American inventor

Garand, John C.

American engineer

Gutenberg, Johannes

Printing Press, Inventions, Facts, Accomplishments, & Biography

Jacquard, Joseph-Marie

Biography, Loom, Invention, Computers, & Facts