Complementation Test


Oct 6, 2023 - 22:12
 0  12

complementation test, also called cis-trans test, in genetics, test for determining whether two mutations associated with a specific phenotype represent two different forms of the same gene (alleles) or are variations of two different genes. The complementation test is relevant for recessive traits (traits normally not present in the phenotype due to masking by a dominant allele). In instances when two parent organisms each carry two mutant genes in a homozygous recessive state, causing the recessive trait to be expressed, the complementation test can determine whether the recessive trait will be expressed in the next generation.

When two mutations occur in different genes, they are said to be complementary, because the heterozygote condition rescues the function otherwise lost in the homozygous recessive state. Hence, the term complementation test is used to describe the process to test for gene function in recessive allelism. The alternative name cis-trans test describes the two central components of the test. The terms cis and trans refer to the relationship of the two mutations, with cis used to describe mutations occurring on the same chromosome and trans used to describe mutations occurring on different chromosomes. The cis portion of the complementation test essentially acts as a control and involves creating heterozygotes (one mutated chromosome and one wild-type, or normal, chromosome) such that one parent bears both mutations. In the cis test, a functional protein is always produced regardless of whether both mutations are on the same gene or on different genes. The trans test involves creating heterozygotes with different mutations from different parents. In this case a functional protein is produced only if the mutations are on different genes.

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