Jordan Curve Theorem


Oct 3, 2023 - 20:42
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Koch snowflakeSwedish mathematician Niels von Koch published the fractal that bears his name in 1906. It begins with an equilateral triangle; three new equilateral triangles are constructed on each of its sides using the middle thirds as the bases, which are then removed to form a six-pointed star. This is continued in an infinite iterative process, so that the resulting curve has infinite length. The Koch snowflake is noteworthy in that it is continuous but nowhere differentiable; that is, at no point on the curve does there exist a tangent line.

Jordan curve theorem, in topology, a theorem, first proposed in 1887 by French mathematician Camille Jordan, that any simple closed curve—that is, a continuous closed curve that does not cross itself (now known as a Jordan curve)—divides the plane into exactly two regions, one inside the curve and one outside, such that a path from a point in one region to a point in the other region must pass through the curve. This obvious-sounding theorem proved deceptively difficult to verify. Indeed, Jordan’s proof turned out to be flawed, and the first valid proof was given by American mathematician Oswald Veblen in 1905. One complication for proving the theorem involved the existence of continuous but nowhere differentiable curves. (The best-known example of such a curve is the Koch snowflake, first described by Swedish mathematician Niels Fabian Helge von Koch in 1906.)

Alexander's horned sphere, Jordan curve theorem, mathematics, James W. Alexander II

A stronger form of the theorem, which asserts that the inside and outside regions are homeomorphic (essentially, that there exists a continuous mapping between the spaces) to the inside and outside regions formed by a circle, was given by German mathematician Arthur Moritz Schönflies in 1906. His proof contained a small error that was rectified by Dutch mathematician L.E.J. Brouwer in 1909. Brouwer extended the Jordan curve theorem in 1912 to higher-dimensional spaces, but the corresponding stronger form for homeomorphisms turned out to be false, as demonstrated with the discovery by American mathematician James W. Alexander II of a counterexample, now known as Alexander’s horned sphere, in 1924.

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