Automata Theory

Oct 7, 2023 - 09:35
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automata theory, body of physical and logical principles underlying the operation of any electromechanical device (an automaton) that converts information from one form into another according to a definite procedure. Real or hypothetical automata of varying complexity have become indispensable tools for the investigation and implementation of systems that have structures amenable to mathematical analysis.

An example of a typical automaton is a pendulum clock. In such a mechanism the gears can assume only one of a finite number of positions, or states, with each swing of the pendulum. Each state, through the operation of the escapement, determines the next succeeding state, as well as a discrete output, which is displayed as the discrete positions of the hands of the clock. As long as such a clock is wound and its operation is not interfered with, it will continue to operate unaffected by outside influences except the effect of gravity on the pendulum.

More general automata are designed to respond to changes in external conditions or to other inputs. For example, thermostats, automatic pilots of aircraft, missile guidance systems, telephone networks, and controls of certain kinds of automatic elevators are all forms of automata.

The internal states of such devices are not determined solely by their initial state, as is the case of the pendulum clock, but may be determined by an input from a human operator, from another automaton, or by an event or series of events in the environment. A thermostat, for instance, has an “on” or “off” state that depends on the temperature. The best known general automaton is the modern electronic computer, the internal states of which are determined by the data input and which operates to produce a certain output.

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