
archaeological site, Guatemala

Oct 7, 2023 - 09:31
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Tikal, Guatemala: Masks, Temple of theTikal, Guatemala: Masks, Temple of the

Tikal, Guatemala: North AcropolisTikal, Guatemala: North Acropolis

Tikal, Guatemala: Jaguar, Temple of theTikal, Guatemala: Jaguar, Temple of the

Tikal, city and ceremonial centre of the ancient Maya civilization. The largest urban centre in the southern Maya lowlands, it stood 19 miles (30 km) north of Lake Petén Itzá in what is now the northern part of the region of Petén, Guatemala, in a tropical rainforest. Uaxactún, a smaller Maya city, was located about 12 miles (20 km) to the north. The Tikal ruins are the central attraction of Tikal National Park, which was established in the 1950s and designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1979.

The Great Plaza at Tikal, Guatemala, with stelae (foreground), the Temple of the Jaguar (left), and the Palace of the Nobles (right).

Like many Maya centres of the southern lowlands, Tikal was first occupied as a small village in the Middle Formative Period (900–300 bce); subsequently, in the Late Formative Period (300 bce–100 ce), it became an important ceremonial centre with the construction of major pyramids and temples. Its heyday, however, came in the Late Classic Period (600–900 ce), with the planning and construction of its great plazas, pyramids, and palaces, the appearance of Maya hieroglyphic writing and complex systems of time-counting, and the flowering of Maya art as seen in monumental sculpture and vase painting. The numerous dedicatory stelae at the site date from the 3rd century ce until the close of the 9th century. Such stelae, usually bearing the carved features of a priest or other important person, are inscribed with hieroglyphs and dates.

Tikal, Guatemala: Masks, Temple of theTikal, Guatemala: Masks, Temple of the

In the Early Classic Period (100–600 ce), Tikal was an important post in the great trading network that the contemporaneous central Mexican city of Teotihuacán had established in southern Mesoamerica. Tikal continued to flourish after the decline of Teotihuacán and probably extended its hegemony over a large part of the southern lowlands in the Late Classic Period. Between 600 and 800, Tikal reached its architectural and artistic peak, after which a decline set in, with depopulation and a general artistic deterioration. The last dated stela at the site is placed at 889. Small groups continued to live at the site for another century or so, but Tikal, along with the other Maya centres of the southern lowlands, was abandoned by the 10th century.

Tikal, Guatemala: North AcropolisTikal, Guatemala: North Acropolis

The main structures of Tikal cover approximately 1 square mile (2.5 square km). Surveys in a larger area, encompassing at least 6 square miles (15.5 square km), have revealed outlying smaller structures that were residences. These, however, were not arranged in streets or in close-packed formation, as in the case of Teotihuacán, but were rather widely separated. It is estimated that at its height (c. 700) the core of Tikal had a population of about 10,000 persons but that the centre drew upon an outlying population of approximately 50,000.

Tikal National ParkTikal National Park

Tikal, Guatemala: Pyramid IITikal, Guatemala: Pyramid II

Tikal, Guatemala: Jaguar, Temple of the; Pyramid ITikal, Guatemala: Jaguar, Temple of the; Pyramid I

Tikal, Guatemala: Jaguar, Temple of theTikal, Guatemala: Jaguar, Temple of the

The site’s major structures include five pyramidal temples and three large complexes, often called acropoles; these presumably were temples and palaces for the upper class. One such complex is composed of numerous buildings beneath which have been found richly prepared burial chambers. Pyramid I is topped by the Temple of the Jaguar and rises to 148 feet (45 metres). Just west of Pyramid I and facing it is Pyramid II, standing 138 feet (42 metres) above the jungle floor and supporting the Temple of the Masks. Pyramid III is 180 feet (55 metres) high. Near the Plaza of the Seven Temples stands Pyramid V (187 feet [57 metres]). The highest of the Tikal monuments is Pyramid IV (213 feet [65 metres]), which is the westernmost of the major ruins and also the site of the Temple of the Two-Headed Serpent. Pyramid IV is one of the tallest pre-Columbian structures in the Western Hemisphere.

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