
Renger-Patzsch, Albert

German photographer

Riis, Jacob

Biography, How the Other Half Lives, Books, Muckraker, & Facts

Eastman, George

American inventor, entrepreneur, and manufacturer

Bullock, Wynn

American photographer

Ulmann, Doris

American photographer

Talbot, William Henry Fox

Biography, Invention, & Facts


Process, & Facts

Atget, Eugène

French photographer

Salomon, Erich

Biography & Facts

Bourke-White, Margaret

Biography, Photography, & Facts

Herschel, Sir John

English astronomer

NEC Corporation

Japanese corporation

Dry Plate


Muybridge, Eadweard

Biography, Photography, Inventions, Zoopraxiscope, & Facts

Mark, Mary Ellen

American photojournalist


film-making process