Accidents & Disasters

Kōbe Earthquake Of 1995


Great Smog Of London

1952, Cause, Deaths, & Facts

Tangshan Earthquake Of 1976

Magnitude, Deaths, Damage, & Facts

Bihar Train Disaster

train derailment, Bihar, India [1981]

Wilhelm Gustloff

History, Casualties, & Facts

Andrea Doria

Overview, Sinking, Wreck, & Facts

Christchurch Earthquakes Of 2010–2011

Facts, History, & Summary

Mexico City Earthquake Of 1985

History, Facts, & Response

Lisbon Earthquake Of 1755



United States ship

Northridge Earthquake Of 1994

Cause, Magnitude, & Facts

Taiwan Earthquake Of 1999


Mary Rose

Sinking, Salvage, & Facts

Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Of 2011

Facts & Death Toll

Modane Train Crash Of 1917

French history

New Madrid Earthquakes Of 1811–1812

United States